Well guys I thought I would post a little piece about how life sure as hell catches up to you. Not slowly either I might add, but it sneaks up and pounces on you like a leopard onto an innocent, peaceful little calf drinking from a waterhole. At this point you might be thinking, "what the hell is he on about"...so let me explain. When I was young I wanted to become a racing driver, and a professional footballer, a fireman, a fighter pilot, a veterinarian, a sniper, a member of the SAS, a professional rugby player and so on and so forth.
I had a lot of ambition you see, but as time has passed and I am now the prime age of 23, with 24 approaching like an oncoming truck, I see that I will now never be able to fulfil any of those dreams.
Of course now my outlook has changed and I no longer want to stick my arm up a cows back passage and get paid for it, nor do I wish to go through the most thorough selection process in the world and endure the most gruelling physical torture to become a member of the British special forces.